Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weird Japanese Food Ⅳ

Japanese tend to eat very unique kinds of raw foods like I introduced last post Liver Sashimi.

From last post as well you know, Japanese also eat unique kinds of meat.

This time what I wanna share the weird japanese food is

Horse meat sashimi. It's called "Basashi"

In Japan, raw horse meat called " Sakura-niku"-" Cherry blossoms meat", Sakura means Cherry blossoms and Niku means meat because their color is pink.

Basashi is served with thin sliced like sashimi and comes with soy sauce, ginger and garlic.

The food came from Kyu-syu district, it's south of Japan. It is popular in Izakaya especially kyu-syu you could see most of izakaya restaurant.

The taste is a lightly seasoned but not the smell something meat, tender and low fat. I can say this is also definitely good for women.
There are some country which is forbidden to eat horse though if you are not, I really recommend you once to try. It might be difficult to find they served but I hope you will love it !:)  

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