Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bizzarre Japanese Foods Ⅲ

Today is also I am going to introduce Bizzarre Japanese foods.

Japanese people often eat low foods, low fish, meat and seafood....many things !

So I want to introduce one of Japanese low foods.

This is also my favorite food and when I go to Korean or Japanese BBQ restaurant ( these are little difference), I definitely order this food.

It is......

Beef Liver Sashimi !!!
 We called it "Reba-Sashi" ( Lever + Sashimi)
It is really popular for Japanese people especially for women.

I think Most of Japanese women LOVE it.

It must be fresh for eating low.
However, last year this "Reba- Sashi" faced danger to disappear because one of Japanese BBQ restaurant served it and many people got heavy sick because of Beef Liver Sashimi.
Thus, Japanese Government called to stop serving Reba-sashi in restaurants.

It was so big shocked for me...
Last time when I went back to Japan, there were no more Reba-sashi :(((
I really got mad the restaurant manager.

I heard interesting news that is a company made imitation beef liver sashimi. It is made from Connyaku that is a jelly like food made from the  starch of konjac. 
It seems that the looks, texture and taste are totally same....
I am interested a little bit though I do not think I want to eat as eating real Reba-sashi.

But If I found here, I do want to try !!!:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bizarre Japanese Foods-Ⅱ

Following the last time, this time also I want to introduce one of JAPANESE BIZARRE FOODS that are whether you may know or not.

I might not introduce own myself though,

I like or even love to challenge new foods even look weird but not gross.

If I love the food at once, I try to add with many kinds of taste in the food for which eating way is the most suitable for the food.

I like to challenge or make experiment with foods.

Today's food which I will introduce is also one of my challenge food. When I saw it first time, my mother  was eating with great relish but it's looked gross. But my curiosity was leaping and I decided to try the weird food.

The taste was......


Immediately, the food became my favorite♥

From that time, when I go to Izakaya( Japanese restaurant), I must be ordered this food.

This is....


Do you know what is this made? 

"Shirako is the male genitalia of fish, a sack that contains its seminal fluid. A popular dish at most izakaya (Japanese pubs) and sushi bars. A few years back I had my own encounter with fish ejaculate that didn’t end too well."

From 10 Weird Japanese Foods,

Looks goss right?
However, the taste is ..... wonderful! marvelous! fabulous! gorgeous! excellent!!!

I do recomend you if you have never tried. The taste is creamy but not oily and has deeply taste.
If you want to try, you can just go Izakaya and order Shirako!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bizarre Japanese Foods

I know almost Japanese foods( not fusion) are popular and amazed us with using fresh materials and really delicate technics in whole world.

But there are also some Japanese foods that can't accept from foreign people.

The Looking, Material, Smell.......

Actually, our country food is our mother foods so when I think about Japanese Bizarre foods, I did't know this is usual or unusual foods for foreign people.

Then I got one is____

Do you know what is....the weird orange.... food?!?!?!

The name is "Shiokara"

"Made from salted and fermented fish guts, usually from squid, shiokara has a seriously intense flavor and smell."

from "Weirdest Japanese Foods"

Yes, it

This has strongly smell and salty flavor.

Usually we eat at Izakaya, Japanese fashion restaurant, with Sake or Sho-tyu and it's said getting older, you are going to love "Shiokara" with hot sake.

When I was in Japan, I did not eat often and care about Shiokara when I see the menu at Izakaya though almost Izakaya has Shiokara as snack with drinking. Since I came in SF, I've never think about Shiokara though I don't think many people in SF know this food the materials.

By the way, my hometown is Hokkaido, north island of Japan, so seafoods are very popular and Shiokara as well. If u want to try Shiokara, I am not very recommend you to eat in SF. Because usually the taste( how much salty) depends on the restaurant. It means most of place has originality taste. I hope when you eat Shiokara first time, u would eat at authentic Japanese restaurant or greatest seafoods restaurant in Hokkaido!!!:)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New fusion of Tacos

After I finished the classes, I was thinking "Bizarre...Bizarre....?"

So, I was just typing at the blank of google "Bizarre foods".

Then, surprisingly I found one of them in SF!!!

One of them is........


grasshopper taco

 Here is the web address and review by yelp.'s totally fallen off my appetite.

I could not understand who wanna eat the bugs though as the review.....

"The venison taco was OK...kinda sparse on the meat; however, the grasshopper taco was pretty tasty! The grasshoppers were light, crispy, slightly salty, and lemony! Heck, I would buy a bag of them and eat that instead of chips!"
"The grasshopper taco was the best thing we had by a mile.  They were flavorful and well cooked."
"We moved onto trying some of the grasshoppers displayed in the window. Good crunch and nicely roasted. It was seasoned with something that tasted like tea leaves. I could have eaten the entire bag."

Did you get feeling you want to try them??


The grasshopper tacos are not available any more now because they have stopped serving. Health department came by the shop and said they can't sell anymore...

Some people like to challenge new things for experience or inquiring mind as eating bugs but I think normal people might have never thought about eating bugs and with tacos?! and  when you see the picture, you must feel gross.....

I think this is a definitely Bizarre Foods!!!